High Horse Radio

Indonesia vs Australia, Middle East vs Middle Ages, New Dad Enthusiasm



Featuring Fred Nation, J Dot, Phoenix Ppardoshe and new Dad LinQ who steals the show with such inexplicable joy and enthusiasm flowing into the microphone that Im not sure if anyone else got a word in. Listen as the building construction tycoon with the voice that permeates, hijacks the episode in the most organic of ways possible. I mean you here from the duel citizen phoenix Ppardoshe, and the vegetarian guitarist Fred Nation, along side the loveable addict J Dot. But essentially it's the sustainable development advocate in the making LinQ, delivering some warm and delightful diatribes of wisdom and passion like the innocent and adorable beach loving suburban dad that he is..... Life around the World, History of Duelling, Very interesting statistics on birds, The real meaning of chivalry, weird history of coitus and much much much more in this the cutting edge liberated syndication of the nation that we're facing, at it's kindest and finest, shawest and rawest right down to the core...est. @highhorseradio o