High Horse Radio

Is Acupuncture A Scam? Legalise Drugs? 7 Wonders Of The Industrial World



Fred Nation, J Dot and Phoenix Ppardoshe sit down for a few hours and talk about stuff & things they know, stuff & things they used to know, and stuff & things they never knew. Don't let the truth get in the way of a good yarn type deal. Nah not really people nothing but truth serum delivered one show at a time here on High Horse Radio (not really as often we do two shows in one evening.....anyways) A delightful and insightful diatribe by J Dot gets spiteful, fred gives info in bitefuls and pheonix tells great stories all night fool. So come along for a bit of fun, & check out some audio that you may just find fresh and dangerous... & just really unique... and fun..... and different.. and cool... and everything plus more... you whore!..... Sorry listeners only cause it rhymed.   @highhorseradio on twitter & High Horse Radio @ iTunes + Libyan.com to download and subscribe   (@frednations, @jdotgater, @phoenixppardoshe)