High Horse Radio

Australia Is Racist, Obama Is Weak, Practical Spirituality



An Amazing conversation unfolds and transpires as Fred Nation, J Dot and Andy Establishment flow through the big questions in life, society, religion, history and summarize supposedly complex subjects into beautioful poetic new understandings. Or something like that..... Due to a recording mishap, the first 20 minutes is lost and gone forever into the unknown abyss. Just like our mortal identidies will be someday. This show features the over opinionated former politician who binges on choc cherry tim tams & blueberry cheesecake ice cream. Along side the man who takes the fun out of mini golf, as well as other sporting ventures due to an unhealthy extreme desire to get that win, it's you're host the pastry eater himself Fred Nations!. And don't forget the marijuana loving, mafia enthusiast with many-ah addictions who often brings loads of charm, it's the dot that contains one single J, J Dot himself listeners, all you cutie pies a plenty..... We love having you hear on our liberated syndication, & don'