30 Second Bytes With Dietitian Cindy

Cockroach Milk



Through the end of October I'll be talking "Frightening Food Facts" so don't forget to subscribe. Thank you for listening.  You read that right. Cockroach milk could be inline to take the Superfood crown. Resources for your reading pleasure below!  --- Sources: Ramaswamy et al - Structure of a heterogeneous, glycosylated, lipid-bound, in vivo-grown protein crystal at atomic resolution from the viviparous cockroach Diploptera punctata - the journal of the International Union of Crystallography, July 2016 http://naturalsociety.com/cockroach-milk-could-be-the-next-superfood-8423/ http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/09/14/is-cockroach-milk-new-superfood.html