Recapture Self

#83 Making Creativity A Nonnegotiable Daily Habit With Tammy Blefeld



Quick: what would you do with 10 minutes to yourself? Just 10 minutes to connect with the blissful peace and quiet you crave.  We know we need it. But how often do we actually give ourselves that time? I want to let you in on a little secret. If you aren't giving yourself this time, you aren't alone. Many of us moms have far too many responsibilities to be able to connect with ourselves and our creativity on a regular basis. But there is hope. Because when you do make the time and you do start giving yourself those 10 minutes, your life will change.  When I was still working full time as a teacher and building Momtography on the side, I would often rush out of my school building at the end of an exhausting day and immediately drive to daycare to reconnect with my daughter. After the brutal commute home, I'd be met with a barrage of to do's – dinner prep, playtime, bathtime, bedtime dishes, laundry... The list goes on and on.  I just needed 10 minutes to connect with me.  Then one day I had the idea to try a l