86 Charles




John Derby and Travis Spencer discuss the glorious legalization of marijuana in California and how it was all trumped by well, you know... At 9:10, they discuss trending topics including a Zika cure?, no more condoms in CA porn, San Diego stadium initiative, goodbye Joe Arpaio and of course the bizarre Martin Shkreli Wu-Tang release.  At 26:28, Jesse McIntosh remembers Travis' almost perfect World Series prediction. At 28:07, the failed athletes cover the boring NFL and the excitement of the young NBA season. At 41:48, your Facebook World News Update and the Prop 64 Dope Remix. At 45:33, Deb Loftis remembers the words of Anne Frank and sees history repeating itself again. Finally at 49:54, Kyle the band director tells a story of losing his temper. #trumped