Wired For Success Tv

Aura Transformation with Anni Sennov



Aura Transformation is a powerful way to expand your consciousness.  Anni Sennov is the person behind this 'one-time' activation. Having suffered chronic health issues for many years, Anni Sennov had an ah-ha moment and realised that all her years of searching outside of herself for the answers to her physical problems were taking her in completely the wrong direction.  Looking on the 'inside' became her priority and  'Aura Transformation' was born out of Anni's inward focus. Her journey sparked off  a 'knowledge' of what Anni calls, the New Time Energies on the planet that are embodied in children born from around the mid-80's onwards.  Often known as Crystal and Indigo children, these young people are 'holding' the energy for the rest of us to 'catch up' and have our own awakening to 'who we really are'. An Aura Transformation is said to help you to 'remember who are you' in terms of unlocking your potential and power so that everything you do post-Transformation will create more Success in your lives. We c