Wired For Success Tv

Aura Transformation to Change The World



Aura Transformation with Mediators Berit Reaver and Sophia Barta join us to enlighten us on exactly why they are so excited to be sharing Aura Transformation with the world and why it is so necessary at this moment in the evolution of the planet. A 'one time' 2-3 hour treatment, Aura Transformation helps you to really become more of who you really are by powering up the synergy of Mind, Body and Spirit.  Not a healing modality per se, more of an awakening tool - awakening to who you really are.   Having said that, Sophia Barta shares her riveting story of how Aura Transformation helped her to ease out of the clutches of death and heal from Multiple Sclerosis.  She went from literally being advised by her Medical Consultant to make a will to now flying around Europe helping others on their journey by being a Mediator for Aura Transformation.  This is a juicy and lively conversation full of nuggets of wisdom and learning that take us from exploring how healing our own personal healing on the inner/micro level i