Wired For Success Tv

Living Consciously with Human Design J R Richmond



Living Consciously with Human Design is what J R 'Randy' Richmond is keen for us to do.   In a world where so often we are contorting ourselves to be what others and society want and expect of us, it is such a relief to gain an understanding of how you really here to show up in your life through Human Design. If you ever feel as though you don't quite 'fit in', that life does not seem to be 'flowing' for you, or that life is just plain hard work, then the insights of Human Design will leave no stone unturned.   As a new science, Human Design has established the relationship between the zodiacal wheel and another ancient study, the 64 hexagrams of the I' Ching, which are also related to the 64 codons of our DNA.  Thus, through the synthesis of ancient methods with current sub-atomic particle physics and modern genetics, Human Design shows us our unique individual place in the larger whole.  Randy was privately trained by Ra Uru Hu, the creator of Human Design and was a close friend and neighbour of Ra until hi