Wired For Success Tv

Anita Moorjani Dying To Be Me



Anita Moorjani is a living legend.  Her Near Death Experience took her from the arms of a cancerous death to just two weeks later dancing at a friend's wedding.  This was a spiritual awakening of the most extreme kind and one that changed the course of Anita's life forever.   Why and how did this happen? How could someone be filled with cancerous tumours and in a coma one day and the next have the deepest 'knowing' that she was NOT going to die and in 'coming back' she would be completely healed? The medical profession had theories but no explanation.  Anita has chronicled her journey in her book 'Dying To Be Me' and tours the world speaking from the stage not only about her remarkable recovery but also the profound effect this has had on the way she approaches life.    Not many of us have miracles on the scale of this young woman, but we do all have the opportunity to 'go inside' ourselves and access that part of us that knows 'exactly' how to heal our mind, body and spirit.  That place inside us that is fre