Wired For Success Tv

Angelic Healing with Stewart Pearce



Spiritual awakenings and shifts in consciousness going on all around us and in a bid to help us grasp a better understanding of all this we are delighted to present to you today’s guest, Stewart Pearce. Stewart has had over the past 25 years, the most extraordinary experiences with the Angelic Realms and has been generous enough to share these experiences and profound messages, allowing his audience to grasp a better understanding of this massive Consciousness Shift that we are all caught up in. An esteemed background includes being a world renowned Voice Coach working with Vanessa Redgrave, Diana Princess of Wales and Anita Roddick to name but a few.  Seventeen years at the Webber Douglas Academy as Head of  Voice and also Master of Voice at the Shakespeare’s Globe from 1997-2008.  You will find few who speak with more clarity than Stewart! Today he is joining us as a Sound Healer, a Seer and Angel Medium.  His published works include : THE ALCHEMY OF VOICE, THE HEART’S NOTE, THE ANGELS OF ATLANTIS BOOK AND