Wired For Success Tv

The I Am Experience with Panache Desai



Panache Desai, recent guest of Oprah Winfrey is a young man who everyone is talking about.  We just HAD to pin him down for a conversation to bring you his refreshing and simple philosophy to rediscover your ‘success wiring’.  His understanding of Spirituality is so in alignment with ours at Wired For Success TV that he really is the perfect guest! Panache is from London town, yet his calling means that he is travelling the world to impart his extremely powerful gift.  Recently featured on Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday, he is an emissary of Divine love, a vibrational catalyst and an old friend you asked a long time ago to remind you of your brilliance, perfection and connection to limitless potential.    He is a contemporary spiritual teacher and inspirational visionary whose gift of vibrational transformation has drawn thousands of people from around the world.   Recently appearing on Oprah Winfrey’s Super Soul Sunday, he is not aligned with any religious or spiritual tradition he acts as a direct line t