Love-based Money

Episode 84 – JJ Flizanes on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



Download this Episode Don’t Chase the Money - Do What You Love. In this episode, Michele interviews JJ Flizanes. Empowerment Strategist and host of several podcast shows including Fit 2 Love, and Spirit, Purpose & Energy. She is also the Director of Invisible Fitness and an Amazon best-selling author. JJ has built a successful business doing what she loves, for herself. And In this episode, she shares tips for doing the same, including: How you can end up inadvertently sabotaging yourself when you’re motivated most by money. The real key to achieving your goals. How the Law of Attraction strengthens goal achievement. What to be truly committed to, to build a business you love. And so much more. JJ shares many personal stories about her own journey as a business owner. From chasing the money and exhausting herself in the process, to taking a hiatus as a way to slow down and figure out where her business should go, JJ has experienced it all. She has also had many surprises along the way, and she shares in