Love-based Money

Episode 79 - The Surprising Connection Between Inner Peace and Money



Download this Episode Is Your Relationship with Money Built on a Foundation of Fear? In this episode of Love-Based Money, Michele PW flies solo to dive more deeply into the link between inner peace and money. One of Michele's most popular Love-Based Money podcasts is with America's Inner Peace Expert Mary Allen. On that episode, she shared tools to help you reclaim your inner peace no matter what's happening around you. And that got Michele thinking. She was motivated to make more money in part because she was convinced that once she made a certain amount of money, her anxiety and worry would go away. Needless to say, that didn't happen. Instead, Michele discovered that the more money she made, the more her anxiety and worry actually INCREASED. What was going on? Well, the truth of the matter is this: If you want to change your relationship with money to one of peace and joy, you have to start by actually shifting that relationship — not by increasing how much money you make. Even though it sounds counter-int