Love-based Money

Episode 78 - Michael Neeley on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



The Four Pillars of Authority. In this episode, Michele interviews Michael Neeley. Michael Neeley is a mentor and business strategist for visionary solopreneurs. He is a former professional actor and medieval knight, an author and speaker, and he hosts the podcasts Consciously Speaking and Buy This – Not That. His passion is waking people up, and he does it by coaching heart-centered entrepreneurs in finding their gift, growing their voice, and stepping into the spotlight in a big way. In this episode, you’ll discover: The Four Pillars of Authority, and what they mean to your business. How to use the word “authority” and why using it the right way can lead to making more money. Tips for getting out of your own way, so you can embrace your mission and build your business. How to create your own storyand start training your mindset to help you move past any unconscious mental blocks. And so much more. Michael also talks about his passion for supporting visionary solopreneurs in finding their voice and getting