Love-based Money

Episode 74 – Sierra Sullivan on Love-Based Money with Michele PW



Reclaim Your Femininity and Find Your Path to Success. In this episode, Michele interviews Sierra Sullivan, creator of LifeStylized—a business dedicated to supporting women and couples in awakening their highest potential to create powerful evolutions in life, love, and spirituality. A coach who focuses mostly on “profound reclamation work for women; specifically, around pussy reclamation,” Sierra has been in the field of feminine empowerment for the past 15 years. While acknowledging that her work is “definitely out of the box,” Sierra shares her fascinating story of choosing to let go of the successful magazine she created to follow her true calling of empowering women to embrace their femininity. In this episode, you learn: What to do to ensure you don’t get burnt out with your biz. How to overcome financial pressures and pursue exactly what you feel you’re meant to do (even if it means quitting one thing and starting over). How to get really clear about your relationship with money and shift things aroun