Aphasia Access Conversations

Episode #36 - In Conversation with Ronelle Hewetson



Jerry Hoepner, a faculty member at the University of Wisconsin – Eau Claire, speaks with Ronelle Hewetson about the social intervention framework and parallels to the LPAA framework for individuals with right hemisphere damage.  Ronelle addresses the gap in knowledge about a social intervention framework so evident in clinical contexts. Dr. Hewetson has examined social participation following right hemisphere stroke and has great insights into the application of the LPAA framework among persons with right hemisphere damage.  In today’s episode you will: Learn about the impact of right hemisphere damage on social communication, including returning to work roles and returning to relationships. Learn about the role of speech-language pathologists in addressing the social consequences of right hemisphere damage after right hemisphere damage. Learn about how proxy input gives a better idea of the social consequences after right hemisphere damage, given reduced awareness of change and the underestimation of