Work, Play, Love With Lauren Fleshman And Jesse Thomas

10: Challenge Roth [Special Episode]



And they’re back! (Stateside AND in the studio…) Lauren and Jesse battle jet lag from their trip to Germany with a special episode about the “Hallmark” of the “Cool Races in Cool Places” tour - Challenge Roth! After spending a significant amount of time apart from Lauren, the kids, and Picky Bars to tune-up (Heilbronn 70.3) and dial it in for an A-race effort at Roth, the fam reunited just in time for things to get crazy. Hear about how they managed another family race-vacation - Lauren travelling internationally with the kids, Jesse trying to stay connected halfway across the world, and turning it on for what might be a last crack at competing at this highest level. Spoiler: LF gets a gold medal for pulling off that mile 17 fuel hand-up despite every possible thing trying to sabotage it.   After a full recap of the race and the family circus vacation surrounding it, they answer a few listener questions. Topics include: Nutrition and fueling (Kona vs Roth), doubling as support crew and parent (LF), a Heather