Work, Play, Love With Lauren Fleshman And Jesse Thomas

05: Wild Wildflower, the Intersection of Work-Play-Love at its Finest (& Ugliest)



  Fresh off their wild Wildflower weekend, Jesse and Lauren give a glimpse at what a weekend racing as a pro athlete looks like when the whole damn family is in tow. From how the change in environment may’ve affected his performance to how well compression socks perform as emergency first aid to a four year old’s head, it’s not your typical race recap. (Actual race recap here.) From there they jump right into a batch of listener questions, tackling topics like: Helping someone struggling with confidence issues in sport Dealing with injuries The perks (and downfalls!) of owning a company and an MBA This episode covers the whole spectrum of work-play-love, with talks about mental health, physical health, body, and brain. They open up about their own experiences with no longer being the “big fish” in a small pond, Lauren’s struggle with the “attention drug” and Jesse’s with disordered eating, and offer some advice for helping someone you see going through confidence issues. Their own experiences with in