
Sparking children’s hearts & minds with Whole Child Education



How do we reach a student’s heads, hands and hearts so they are caring, curious, and excited to learn? All learning emanates from the heart. Since education does not operate in vacuum schools cannot educate the whole child alone. Schools function best when we authentically engage the family and the community through whole child education.  Guest Jonathan Raymond explains how to put children at the center and fresh approaches to meet the needs of each child. The Edspiration Inbox Answers… “What are ways to start taking risks to increase your joy as an educator and expand personal mastery?” Guest Links: Twitter: @jraym0 Medium: https://medium.com/@jraym0 About today’s guest Jonathan Raymond is President of the Stuart Foundation. He brings insights from many years of experience in education including as Superintendent of the Sacramento City Unified School District (SCUSD). From 2009–2013, his innovative approaches guided SCUSD’s transformed Sacramento’s poorest performing schools in the neediest neighborhoods. H