

Are you speaking to your audience in a way that they understand? When you tweet do people listen? Do they take action? Do your tweets help you increase brand equity, generate leads and sales? Are your tweets helping you grow community and nurture relationships? Are your tweets helping you increase the ROI of all of your content marketing, digital and brand marketing? If you answer no to any of these questions then you have incredible opportunity to fix the problem and turn every answer listed above into a yes. Could it be that you are over automating your tweets? Maybe you are speaking to your audience like a robot vs being a human. Maybe you are over selling? Or maybe your tweets are all about you and it's obvious you are only using social media and Twitter to blast noise about yourself. Newsflash: You can not fake relevancy or caring using social media. Your audience knows. The concept of people buying from people was not invented by Facebook or any other social network. People have been connecting with oth