

You have created the perfect marketing campaign. It's 100% in tact and beautifully integrates social media marketing, video and visual marketing. Now you are ready to take it to market and let the world know about it. You know Facebook advertising is the perfect platform to help get the word out and reach your target audiences. So, you login to the Facebook ad manager or Facebook power editor and spend the next hour setting up your campaign. You submit the ad for approval to Facebook and are dreaming about the increased brand awareness, new leads and even sales this new campaign is going to generate for you and your business. You head to dinner for a pre-celebration with a glass of wine. Unfortunately, later that evening you get an email notification from Facebook informing you that your ad was not approved. "What the heck!" is what you are thinking. How could Facebook not approve your ad? The email states it violates their policy. "What policy?" is your next thought. Now you get to spend the next day reworki