Expand Your World With Queenie Kawabe

114: How Jay Wong Learned Mandarin Through His Vision and Passion



Jay Wong is an American inspirational speaker and entrepreneur who impact and inspire others through his top-rated podcast, The Inner Changemaker. He is a firm believer that it is possible to achieve what one wants as long as he is committed 100% to his vision and passion, thus he became motivated to learn Mandarin Chinese to compliment his love for travel.   This podcast will be released 3 days a week on every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This is the place where you will learn how to achieve your highest potential and unleash your talent to the world with confident, courageous and happy in life, work and study.  This podcast will be released 3 days a week on every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This is the place where you will learn how to achieve your highest potential and unleash your talent to the world with confident, courageous and happy in life, work and study.  I'd love your feedback! Please let me know how you're learning with me by leaving me a review. Want to connect with me? Join my exclusive in