Real Talk With Rachael Podcast

#54: Why I Don't Despise Small Beginnings



This week on Real Talk with Rachael we’re celebrating the two year anniversary of this podcast! We’re also celebrating what God has done through it and looking back at our “small beginnings”. Today we’re talking about: Our top three most downloaded episodes: Episode 27 - Claiming Victory in the Valleys of Life with Dr. Cindy Haggerton, Episode 4 - Real Talk on Anxiety & Expecting Blessings in the Midst of Difficult Seasons with Diana Burks and Episode 32 - Real Talk about Biblical Body Image “Do not despise small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.” Zechariah 4:10 People who despise small beginnings are easily discouraged and they discourage others. Five Things I’ve Learned from not despising small beginnings. Remember, there’s no “perfect time” to start anything! Start today with tiny steps. Don’t forget to leave a review on iTunes, subscribe to the email list, comment on the Instagram post for this episode or share this episode on social media to enter for our 2-year anniversary