Dharma Talk With Henry Winslow

DT 079: Dangerous With Love with Dimitri Mugianis



Dimitri Mugianis (@dimitrimugianis on Instagram) is a drug policy activist, Bwiti spiritual healer, poet, and musician. At the depths of his own heroin and cocaine addiction, Dimitri discovered Ibogaine, a plant sacrament from Central Africa that allowed him to break his habit without withdrawal symptoms. Now he provides a safe and dogma-free container for others, in which to experience psychedelic medicine emphasizing self-love and acceptance. Dimitri is currently N'ganga-in-residence at the New York Harm Reduction Educators (NYHRE), a service-based community working with addicted, homeless, formerly incarcerated, and HIV-positive people in East Harlem and The Bronx.     In this episode, you’ll hear from Dimitri on:    [10.35] His 20-year addiction to heroin and cocaine. Dimitri talks frankly about his feelings of desperation and his decision to travel abroad to cure his habit using ibogaine, a psychoactive substance derived from the roots of an African plant.   [16.10] Dimitri’s personal experience of ta