Dharma Talk With Henry Winslow

DT 073: Food Is Medicine with Zoey Gong



Zoey Gong is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and dietitian in NYC. She specializes in TCM cuisine, herbalism, moxibustion, and holistic food therapy. In this episode, you'll hear from Zoey on: Facing severe health problems, including breast tumors and chronic skin rashes, after moving to the US and adopting an American diet, and how her journey toward self-healing brought her back to her Chinese roots The key differences between the Western clinical and Eastern traditional approaches to nutrition and medicine at large Using TCM herbs and natural supplements to regulate hormonal imbalances and feel better in daily life Pairing foods of a particular energy with a matching yoga practice to create a specific effect in the mind-body continuum Announcements: Reconnect to your divine Self this December. Join me and Veronica Lombo on an immersive retreat in Bali: henrywins.com/bali Join me for upcoming workshops in NYC, Texas, and Richmond: henrywins.com/events Links from this episode: Sign up for Zo