Dharma Talk With Henry Winslow

DT 046: Out of the Cage with Emmett Tatter



During his years in prison, Emmett Tatter discovered that yoga has the power to change, to heal, and to transform. In this episode, you'll hear from Emmett on: The importance of finding your purpose in a difficult situation, especially when it comes to overcoming negative self-talk and doubt How Emmett applied the lessons of yoga to overcome rage and fear in prison, and how his practice was put to the test inside a physical cage Why Emmet began teaching others, and how despite prison staff's pressure to shut it down, Emmett's yoga program grew to a waitlist of literal hundreds Announcements: [SPONSOR] Come with me to the upcoming 50-hour Rocket Yoga practice intensive with David Kyle at Yoga East Austin. Save on early bird registration through Feb 17th: yogaeastaustin.com/rocket Register for the upcoming 30-hour Immersion at Lighthouse Yoga School. Enter referral code HENRYWINS on your application for 10% OFF your tuition: henrywins.com/events Links from this episode: Light on Yoga by B.K.S. Iyengar Man'