Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, Phd

EP 101 - How Waking Up From Diet Culture Allows You To Find Food + Body Freedom w/ Tally Rye



This week on the pod Laura speaks to Tally Rye - personal trainer, Girl Gains co-founder + host to multiple podcasts. They chat about Tally's relationship with food + her body and how this changed throughout drama school, training to be a PT, through to now. In this episode they discuss: ✨ Comparison + feeling like the odd one out ✨ Broadening our idea of what it means to be fit + healthy ✨ The pressure + toxic messages around bodies at drama school  ✨ Intoxicating external validation that comes from being tied up with 'the fit one' identity + how this is actually unhelpful ✨ The difference between saying the 'right' things online + actually believing it for yourself ✨ The freedom that can be found through self acceptance Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share international links when they become available!} {Tally on YouTube | Instagram | Website | Twitter} {Health at Every Size - Linda Bacon} {Big Fit Girl - Louise Gre