Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, Phd

EP 99 - How Becoming a Mother Started Me On My Intuitive Eating Adventure w/ Clemmie Telford



This week on the pod Laura speaks to Clemmie Telford, curator of Mother of All Lists + Insta mega-Mum. This episode is super raw + a super great glimpse at what Intuitive Eating work is like for someone who's really in the thick of it. In this episode they cover: ✨ Clemmie's journey of finding Intuitive Eating + working out what that feels like for her ✨ Motherhood + the unrealistic standards for women to 'snap back' to their pre-baby body   ✨ How having her daughter was the impetus to change how she thinks about food + her body ✨ The life that we miss out on because of the 'prison' that diet culture creates in our heads ✨ The joy of uncoupling movement from weight or aesthetic goals ✨ How self care, periods and all that stuff can impact our BI Show Notes {SIGN UP TO OUR RAISING INTUITIVE EATERS ONLINE COURSE} {Clemmie on Twitter | Instagram | Website} {Book in for Discovery Call w/ Jess or Camilla at the London Centre for Intuitive Eating} {BUY MY BOOK!! on Amazon | Waterstones | Foyles – I’ll share interna