Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast With Chad Vice

Episode 0000024: Badr "Mr. Worldwide" Elkorazati



I'm chatting with Canadian born Badr Elkorazati, who has his roots in Egypt, and I'm anxious to hear about daily life in Egypt as well as Turkey, both places he's quite familiar with. Right now Turkey is where his parents, brother and sisters currently reside, as his father is a member of the Canadian military serving NATO in the middle of a 3-year tour. Badr is in the studio to talk about how his parents met, his mother's conversion from a Protestant out of New Brunswick to following Islam, BEFORE she even met his father; plus his visits to those aforementioned countries and how they differ (or sometimes, don't actually) from western life. Plus, you can't ignore his infectious laugh! Also, do you like listening to two people debate or question many "What Ifs" regarding current World Issues, homelessness, one world currency, and the Trump Administration? I thought so. Plus, can you tell the difference between a group of Americans and Canadians in one area? Badr says yes, and he tells us why. Thanks for making