Nobodies Are Somebodies Podcast With Chad Vice

Episode 0000022: Lianne "Mommy" Vice [Part III]



Finally, it;'s here. It's recorded and it's ready for consumption; it's the final installment interview with my mom, the story-telling machine Mommy Vice, I finally get her one on one again for part 3 of 3, and this is an interesting and definitely dark conversation - it starts off discussing her current frame of mind and her expression of frustration over her current living arrangements and social status. From here, we pick up this discussion in the year 1990, where she meets my would-be step-father, Bruce, and she also talks about their troubled relationship spanning over a 13 year period. We then talk about a very difficult year in 2004 as she deals with the deaths of not one, not two, but three family members in that same year. We also touch another difficult experience with her occurring in the summer of 1992. My Mommy also discusses meeting someone online on Zoosk and moving her whole life away to be with this man, her first and only time meeting a man on the internet. And finally, we end our eye openin