Tell Somebody

Dead Man Walking – The Journey Continues in Missouri



This week on Tell Somebody. Dead Man Walking author Sister Helen Prejean, and Staci Pratt, state coordinator for Missourians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty (MADP). If someone viciously and brutally murdered a loved one of yours – a child, a spouse, a parent - could you get past rage and grief to forgive? Or even just to accept? I'm not sure I could. Unless we've experienced such a loss, most of can't ever know for sure. I hope I never have to find out. But as citizens, don't we all have an obligation to consider the issue? Society has to deal with such, otherwise we leave it to surviving loved ones to forgive or not. To act in retribution or not. Sister Helen Prejean returned to Kansas City on October 30 2015 thanks to MADP and The Center for Global Studies and Social Justice at Avila University. In between her speaking engagements at Avila University and Unity on the Plaza in Kansas City, I recorded interviews with Sister Helen and with Staci Pratt, State Coordinator for MADP. ​​Click on the pod icon