Tell Somebody

Kathy Kelly’s Conviction & Ray McGovern’s Confrontation



Three-time Nobel Peace Prize nominee Kathy Kelly and Kansas Citian Georgia Walker were convicted of criminal trespass for trying to offer loaves of bread to the commander at Whiteman AFB in Missouri and engage in conversation about drone warfare.  Kelly was sentenced to 3 months in federal prison. She talked to Tell Somebody the night before her court appearance for the December 18, 2014 edition of the show. Then we hear again from former presidential daily briefer and CIA analyst Ray McGovern.  You didn’t see it on the fawning corporate media, but Ray had a contentious television appearance alongside Pete Hoekstra, former chair of the House Intelligence Committee from 2004 to 2007, to talk about the recently released summary of the Senate intelligence report.       Click on the pod icon above, or the .mp3 filename below to listen to the show, or right-click and choose "save target as" or "save link as" to save a copy of the audio file to your computer.   You can also subscribe to the podcast, for free, at t