Crossing North

CN16 On Wednesdays, I'll Go Dance



Why is Seattle the best place to learn Scandinavian folk dance outside of Scandinavia? And what's it all about, anyway? UW undergraduate students Blue Palmer, Bill Cheung-Daihe, and Fanny Mestä-Tokila discuss how a dance course with the Skandia Folkdance Society gave them a new way to connect with their studies, make new friends, and have good fun. *** This episode was written, edited, and produced by Colin Gioia Connors. Special thanks to Kristian Næsby. *** Transcript available at *** Learn more about the Skandia Folkdance Society of Seattle: *** At 29:32, Bill refers to a spelmanslag, Swedish for a "folk musician's team." There are two spelmanslag in Seattle: The Skandia Spelmanslag (for adults) and The Lilla Spelmanslag (for children) *** At 34:20, Fanny refers to "Lucia," the Santa Lucia Day performance put on by UW students every December at the Sw