Del Ray Vibe

#11: Disconnect to Connect, Aldo Bello & Marilyn Finnemore



There are hundreds of media companies in the Washington DC metro area. But few of them approach the development of media content like Aldo Bello and Marilyn Finnemore, co-founders of Mind & Media in Alexandria, Virginia's Old Town. These long time residents of Del Ray know that media is merely a vehicle for delivering stories. And the quality of a story is only as good as the state of the person's mind that developed it. In this Del Ray Vibe podcast episode, Aldo and Marilyn talk about how they routinely and strategically make plans to disconnect their minds from DC's fast paced culture and the stress of beltway politics. They believe this approach is important to producing quality media that stands up to the competition of the high stakes marketplace of storytelling that Washington DC is known for as it serves as the world’s political epicenter.