The Classic Lenses Podcast

#143 Isabel Curdes And Her Desert Island Lenses



In July, 2019 (Episode #77), we thoroughly enjoyed having the rare talent that is Isabel Curdes on the show, so we are delighted to able to maroon her on our desert island with 4 special lenses and two cameras (one is a big digital camera with a stupid shutter speed dial (if you're Simon and have weird issues with shutter speed dials.)) Isabel's picks are pretty stellar, which is not surprising seeing how many lenses she's gone through over the years. As well as getting to know Isabel's lenses better, we also have a quick chat about the automated mounted slide "scanning" device, the Cameradactyl BoopBoop Trigger and give definitive advice to Graeme Jago in his hunt for a new Cheap Shot Challenge camera... ISABEL CURDES
 Website | Twitter | Instagram LINKS Mamiya 80mm f/1.9 SMC Pentax 67 105mm f/2.4 Hermagis Eidoscope Fuji GFX 50R Graflex Speed Graphic Sunny 16 Podcast I dream Of Cameras Podcast Cameradactyl BoopBoop Trigger LISTEN TO THE PODCAST
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