
#016: How to Build a Powerful Discovery Call System That Will Help You Make Sales



Not gonna lie — when I first started my business, just the thought of doing a discovery call scared the HECK out of me. I knew I had to do them in order to get clients, but I am an introvert! I absolutely hated getting on calls because I always felt put on the spot and like I needed to sell myself. It was awkward and uncomfortable and just...awful. But here I am today, telling you all about how awesome they are! What changed? Well, it was really two things that helped me get over my fear of discovery calls.  The first thing that helped was time and practice. Fine, that’s technically two things, but they go together! Just like anything else, you aren’t born knowing how to do a discovery call. But over time and with practice, you will get better. Within 6 months of starting my business, I became so good at them that I converted at least 90% of my discovery calls — and that still holds true today! The second thing that was a HUGE help was developing a Discovery Call System. This is basically a system for com