
#013: How to Gain Clarity in Your Niche and Nail Your Brand Messaging



You have a new business and you’re reading all these articles about having a strong brand, knowing your target audience, and staying within your niche market. You’re nodding your head in agreement, but in actuality, you’re freaking out.    You don’t have a niche yet! You don’t have the perfect brand messaging yet!    If you aren’t sure exactly how you’re going to specialize or what your brand voice will be, there are probably two reasons you are struggling.    I am sharing these because I struggled with them as a new business owner and I repeatedly get this feedback from entrepreneurs who think they are ready to have it ALL figured it out… but they don’t yet.    Let’s talk about the two obstacles to gaining clarity in your niche and nailing your brand messaging.  Blog Post URL: https://www.mirandanahmias.com/brand-messaging