
#006: How to Stop Being Taken Advantage of by Your Prospective Clients



I am a BIG believer in overdelivery. I want to give my clients as much value as possible, even before they sign a contract with me. This has become a signature feature of my business and my brand. However, it can lead to being taken advantage of.     The million dollar (or $50? $500? $5,000?) question when you’re prospecting for a client is: how much work beforehand is “too much”?   The important thing here is to know your worth and figure out where to draw the line.   Think about it — what is “too much” for you? This can be a different level for everyone.  There are no hard and fast rules. What’s crucial is that you value your time.   Figure out what your limits are (whether that’s a time frame, certain number of emails over a fixed amount, or something else) and stick to those boundaries, no matter what! Read the full post here: https://www.mirandanahmias.com/being-taken-advantage-of