
#003: Negativity Around Goal Setting



I’m all about setting goals and achieving them, but let’s be honest…goal-setting can lead to a lot of negative thoughts. Do I enjoy setting goals? Sure. Can it be fun? Absolutely! Yet, the negative thoughts still come forward sometimes. It’s easy to feel stuck in a place of resentment. You get frustrated when your business isn’t where you want it to be, or worse — where you think it should be at this stage. This has definitely happened to me before. And I’m sure you’ve found yourself in that same boat at one time or another, right? You’ve likely felt stuck just like I have, and you’ve even thought about giving up on your online business dreams. And that’s what we don’t want! We want setting goals to be fun, and we want achieving them to be fun, too! Because I feel like we could all use a healthy dose of positivity when it comes to our businesses, today I have 4 tips for you guys on how to set goals positively, stay patient with yourself, and reduce any negative thoughts you might be having.