501(c)3(b)(s): Deprogramming For Organizational Growth

103: Story Planning Like The Martians Do!



Episode 103: Plan Like The Martians Do! If it's good enough to land rovers on Mars, it's good enough for us! Story Planning: Explore the space between “what is” and “what could be” using storytelling methods to think differently when communicating new ideas with Paul Propster, CSUF alumnus and Story Architect for NASA/JPL’s Office of Formulation. JPL partners with NASA and CalTech to create the United States unmanned missions to space such as MARS rovers. Paul is a seasoned storyteller, strategy-lover, line-blurrer, dot-connector, and message-driven professional. With more than 25 years in strategic communications, Paul has helped clients across industries to tell their stories. From small, women-owned businesses to energy to technology to NASA, he partners with teams to cultivate a narrative that produces greater emotional investment in stakeholders. Since 2014, Paul has been the resident “storytelling architect” for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab’s Office of Formulation, spearheading the development and est