501(c)3(b)(s): Deprogramming For Organizational Growth

Episode 96- Robert Santana and The Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Orange Coast (Part 7 of 7)



Episode 96: The list of 29 Recession Stars includes the Boys & Girls Clubs of the Central Orange Coast Foundation, an endowment for the clubs. Robert Santana is the CEO of the Boys & Girls Clubs while also running their foundation. The Clubs themselves did well during the recession but were already too large in 2008 to be part of my study of Recession Stars. They continued to grow like a juggernaut after the recession. The foundation was the Recession Star and the only one of its kind. It grew substantially during the recession, helping both organizations grow. The foundation went from $142,000 in 2008 to $463,000 in 2012. By 2018 it grew to just over $1 million. That is a 725% growth building an endowment for the clubs. When you hear Robert speak, you can see why they had such growth. I was able to host Robert as a speaker at our conference on leadership in 2019, rebroadcast for you here.