501(c)3(b)(s): Deprogramming For Organizational Growth

Episode 95- Creative Solutions and Ryan Cargando (Part 6 of 7)



Episode 95: Dr. Ryan Cargando of Creative Solutions in Riverside, CA started his foster care agency with $400,000 of his own money to create better-quality services for the families with whom he worked as a social worker. By the beginning of the recession in 2008, he had already grown to $1.5 million with contracts in several counties, but his quality programs, networks, and training helped him continue to grow. Even though his agency was over a million-dollar organization, I included him because his growth was so new and rapid. Just a year earlier he was under a million dollars. By the end of the recession in 2012, he more than doubled with $3.3 million in earnings. By 2018, when my study ended, he led a $4.1 million organization. That's over 271% growth during the worst years of our economy. His story of mission and calling out of tragedy is quite inspiring. I’ll let you hear it for yourself.