501(c)3(b)(s): Deprogramming For Organizational Growth

41-G3X 2018 Panels (Part 1)



(Part 1 of 2) In the vein of Reddit's "Ask Me Anything," a panel of esteemed experts at the 2018 G3X Conference took questions from the audience and dropped some pearls for the audience and you! Experts for the two days of panels include: Zoot Velasco, Gianneschi Center Director Sally Lawrence of the Association of Fundraising Professionals Orange County and a professional fund development Officer Victoria Torres of OneOC, a local training, and volunteer recruitment organization Jan Masaoka, CEO of California Association of Nonprofits and our 2018 keynote speaker Frances Phillips, co-author of theNonpfoit Kit for Dummies (who will return as a keynote speaker for G3X in 2019).