Kali Mandir Satsang

Kali Sahashranam: She Who is What is Heard (Vedas)



Satsanga with Rev. Dr. Swami Bhajanananda Saraswati on Kali Sahasranama (the Thousand Names of Goddess Kāli). In this discourse Swamiji discusses names 195 through 198 from verse 27 (given below). śrutiḥ smṛtir-mahā-vidyā guhya-vidyā purātanī | cintyācintyā svadhā svāhā nidrā tandrā ca pārvatī |27| 190. Śrutiḥ– She who is what is heard (Vedas) 191. Smṛtiḥ - She who is what is remembered 192. Mahā-vidyā– She who is the great knowledge 193. Guhya-vidyā– She who is hidden knowledge 194. Purātanī– She who is ancient 195. Cintyā – She who is thinkable 196. Acintyā– She who is unthinkable 197. Svadhā– She who is the mantra “svadhā” 198. Svāhā– She who is the mantra “svāhā” 199. Nidrā– She who is sleep 200. Tandrā – She who is half awake 201. Pārvatī– She who is the daughter of the mountain