The Amy Ahlers Show

The Invisible Labor of Women



#303: This podcast is especially for powerful, high-achieving women that are ready to STOP being so hard on themselves so they can rise into higher leadership, income, and contribution. Show notes for today’s episode can be found at My beloved husband, Rob, is off on tour with his band in the United Kingdom for the ENTIRE month of March. Wozie! So I wanted to do a show on the invisible, unpaid labor that has shown up in a huge way in my life. Listen in to check out: The difference between what women and moms do before leaving for a business trip and what men and dads do The shocking truth about how many hours per week women spend doing unpaid, invisible labor How women are taking on the invisible labor in their jobs too! I talk even more about the myth of balance in my FREE masterclass; “The 5 shifts powerful women must make to confidently RISE into their highest leadership, income and influence (without sacrificing their personal happiness!)” Check it out here: www.amyahl