Ima Leader Audio Podcast | Leadership, Marketing, Content Marketing, Big Data, Social Media, Email

068 - Live from IMPACT15, Founder of Student Tutor and IMA Partner, Laura Petersen



Guest: Laura Petersen (@lsp_s) is the co-founder of Student-Tutor as well as a partner here at the IMA. An entrepreneur, lifelong learner, and master teacher, Laura loves finding ways to do better with less and leverage tools and tricks for better efficiency, productivity, and fun. She helps the IMA with podcast write-ups, social media, and articles inspired by the guests.   In this Conversation We Cover: -  Her experiences at IMPACT15 and her main takeaways. -  The main difference between IMPACT14 and IMPACT15. -  Laura’s role in producing the IMA Leader podcast. -  Why you need to delegate tasks in your business. -  Laura’s advice for new Internet Marketers.   Quote: “You can’t do it all yourself, delegate more, empower people more, give them wings and they’ll really impress you.” - Laura Petersen.