The Bodylove Project With Jessi Haggerty

Ep. 059: Exercise in Eating Disorder Recovery with Adrianne Finn



In this episode I talk to Adrianne Finn, a certified SCOTT Pilates instructor, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Certified Yoga Teacher, TRX and barre instructor. If that wasn’t enough she also has her degree in Kinesiology and Exercise Science and currently works at an eating disorder treatment center where she helps patients honor their body’s unique needs and develop a healthy relationship with movement. In our last episode my intern Caitlyn and I answered your questions about Intuitive Movement and while we answered A LOT, we didn’t get to quite a few. One of the most-asked questions was does exercise have a place in eating disorder recovery? My hope is that you find some of the answers that you are looking for in today’s episode. That said, a general disclaimer that movement in eating disorder recovery is a highly individualized and nuanced topic so it is really important to work with your treatment team to determine what will work best for you. In this episode we talk about: Exercise in e