The Bodylove Project With Jessi Haggerty

Ep. 007: McKenzie Zajonc on How to Tap Into Your Inner Nutritionist



Today I’m speaking with McKenzie Zanjonc.  McKenzie has a Masters in Nutrition and a Counseling Degree in Health Psychology and helps trade in their food and body struggle for a more meaningful life through her practice, Inner Nutritionist. You can find more about McKenzie at In this episode McKenzie talks about how to tap into our “Inner Dieter” and our “Inner Nutritionist” to begin to heal our relationship with food. Here’s a quick summary of the distinction between the two, but definitely give the episode a listen for the full scoop. The Inner Dieter is full for “shoulds” and “shouldn’ts”, is constantly judging food as good or bad, and is always in “fight or flight” mode. The Inner Dieter is full of unrealistic goals (which can especially creep up around New Years!). The Inner Dieter is sneaky. It can also show up as a Diet Rebel. The voice that is telling you to “have a cheat day” or “go off the wagon.” In those moments you might feel like you are not listening to your Inner Die