Cracking Creativity Podcast With Kevin Chung

48: Thom Fox on Life Changing Moments, the Importance of Strong Relationships, and The Value of a Startup Mentality



Thom Fox is a strategy consultant who helps companies with complex problems. He has created economic empowerment programs that have reached over 3 million people and has conducted 1,200 seminars, workshops and keynotes. But his story wasn’t always one filled with success. Thom started off in a life of crime and with an addiction to angel dust. He broke into people’s homes and got arrested at the age of 14. It wasn’t until he was 19 years old that he realized he needed to make a change in his life. It was in that moment that clarity was brought into his life, and got him on the path towards success. Here are three things you can learn from Thom: You can change your life Many people believe once you hit a snag in life, you are doomed to failure. That simply isn’t the case. Thom started off his life as a criminal who was addicted to drugs. Yet, he still found a way to turn his life around. Once he made the decision to change his life, he took on various customer service jobs. But the real moment of change happen